Reformer Pilates
Two Ways to do Reformer Pilates With US

What Exactly IS a Reformer?
There’s much more detail lower down but, put simply, the Reformer is pretty much the best way to supercharge your Pilates.

Joseph Pilates actually created his original Pilates programme around using the Reformer, then only much later (when he realised the growing need to bring Pilates to large groups of people) he adapted his Reformer exercises to create the Matwork Pilates programme most of us already know. But the Reformer is still the ultimate Pilates tool, which you’ll use if you wish to take your Pilates to a more advanced level.

You can see more information about the Reformer lower down the page.

Reformer Pilates with Jane Thomas

Here at Jane Thomas Pilates we have two options for you to do Reformer Pilates with us, shown here:

    One-to-One Reformer Sessions
    Reformers At Home

The Pilates Reformer
When you first see a Pilates Reformer, you may think it looks a little like a medieval rack...

But it's not for punishment — honest — it's a finely tuned and elegant machine to give a controlled and fully adjustable resistance when carrying out your Pilates exercises. It is extremely versatile in that you can do the exercises when lying, sitting, kneeling or standing, and its use teaches you a precision and control of core stabilisation that simply cannot be obtained in a Pilates group matwork class.

It was designed by Joseph Pilates himself many years ago. All modern Reformers are based on his basic design of a fixed frame, with a movable carriage. A number of springs provide resistance against the carriage moving, and ropes and pulley systems together with an adjustable foot bar let you pull or push yourself and the carriage along glide rails attached to the frame.

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The Reformer was designed by Joseph Pilates himself. It is the ultimate accompanying device to aid training. Here is Joseph in an old photo, in his New York Studio.

Just in case you're wondering, we do not make speedos compulsory at our studio — it's a purely personal decision... ;-)

Joseph designed his original Reformers using hospital beds, to which he attached springs, pulleys and ropes, specifically for helping to rehabilitate injured soldiers and prisoners during World War I.

Modern Reformers aren’t that much different in principle — but there’s not much lying around while you’re using them. Indeed, a Reformer workout is one of the best Pilates workouts you can get

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Pilates in Loughborough — Pilates Done Right!